A while ago, a great client, a branding team of a global biotech, approached us with a spec...

Ready or not: why UX is the next frontier in healthcare
“Whether or not healthcare enterprises are ready, the new reality is that virtual care ha...

Design trends that will define healthcare marketing
Inclusive design needs a rethink, patients want to look at things that move (or that at lea...

🧐🔓💹⚕️💬, aka can emojis unlock value in health communication?
Looking for the right words to tell your friends how embarrassed you are – or how clo...

5 books every healthcare marketer should read
So many books, so little time. To make your life easier (and your marketing more effective)...

How AI is making design studios more efficient
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI in design studios is not about replacing...

4 things we bet you didn’t know about the heart symbol
“I cannot be bought, cannot be sold, even if I'm sometimes made of gold“, goes the ...

4 trends healthcare marketers should watch in 2022
Happy 2022, fellow healthcare marketers – may it be your best year yet! As we gear up...

New Disney movie: coming to a hospital near you?
“It's actually challenging 400 years of dogma, which has been to learn on plastic mod...

Making the doctor’s office less scary for kids with ASD
When first described in 1943, autism was labelled by psychiatrist and physician Leo Kanner ...